Knowledgebase: How to re-initialise ONE using the Installer with command line arguments

Posted by Andy Mitchell, Last modified by Andy Mitchell on 12 May 2011 07:07

Please only use this parameter if you have been requested to do so by OptionNET Explorer Support because it will completely re-initialise your envrionment and may cause installation problems if you have executed it incorrectly.

Go to "Start -> Run" (On Windows 7/Vista, press "WindowsKey+R" or use the search box at the bottom of the Start menu) and enter the file path and file name of the ONE installer, followed by the command line arguments. For example:

"C:\OptionNETExplorer Installer v1.xx.exe" /init

(including the quotation marks). In this example the file path to the installer directory is C:\, the file name of the application is OptionNETExplorer Installer v1.xx.exe, and the command line argument we are using is 'init'. You should place a forward slash (/) directly before each command line argument that you wish to use.

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